Middle Years Programme (MYP) (11-15)

At BABUI the Middle Years Programme (MYP) is an educational framework designed for students aged 11 to 16 years old. It is part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum and focuses on fostering intellectual, personal, emotional, and social growth in students. Our MYP offers a comprehensive and holistic approach to education, combining a range of subjects with an emphasis on interdisciplinary learning and global contexts.
At Babui International School, MYP aims to develop well-rounded students who are knowledgeable, inquisitive, empathetic, and globally aware. We prepare students for further education in the Diploma Programme (DP) or other educational pathways.


MYP Subject Group

Middle years programme (MYP) (11-15)

Our MYP curriculum consists of eight (8) subject groups, which are:

1. 'Language and Literature'
2. 'Language Acquisition'
3. 'Individuals and Societies'
4. 'Sciences'
5. 'Mathematics'
6. 'Arts'
7. 'Physical and Health Education'
8. 'Design'

In addition to these subject groups, the MYP also emphasizes interdisciplinary learning. Students are encouraged to make connections between different subjects and explore real-world issues through the lens of multiple disciplines. They engage in inquiry-based learning, collaborative projects, and reflection to deepen their understanding and develop critical thinking skills.

The MYP also incorporates a core component, which consists of three interconnected elements: 1. Approaches to Learning (ATL): This component focuses on developing skills such as thinking critically, researching, collaborating, organizing, and self-management. ATL skills are embedded throughout the curriculum and help students become effective learners.
2. Global Contexts: These are six overarching themes that provide a framework for exploring real-world issues. The global contexts include identities and relationships, orientation in space and time, personal and cultural expression, scientific and technical innovation, globalization and sustainability, and fairness and development.
3. Personal Project: In the final year of the MYP, students complete an independent research project. They choose a topic of interest, plan and carry out their project, and present their findings. The personal project allows students to demonstrate their understanding, creativity, and self-management skills.